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Expomina Peru 2024 - Separa tu Stand
Homerumbo minero tv internacionalIllegal mining, mining formalization and explorations
Expomina Peru 2024 - Separa tu stand

Illegal mining, mining formalization and explorations

Today we will have an interview with Rafael Lengua, partner of Philippi Prietocarrizosa Ferrero DU & Uría.
Tema: Illegal mining, mining formalization and explorations.

Also, we will have the presence of Augusto Cauti, former vice-minister of Mines.
Tema: Challenges in the midst of political controversy and the fight against illegal mining.

Revista Digital

Edición 165 de Rumbo Minero
Directorio de proveedores  mineros  OnLine Diremin
Noticias Internacionales