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Expomina Peru 2024 - Separa tu Stand
Homerumbo minero tv internacionalPoverty reduction and the importance of formal mining
Expomina Peru 2024 - Separa tu stand

Poverty reduction and the importance of formal mining

Today we will have an interview with Diego Macera, director of the Peruvian Institute of Economics – IPE.
Topic: Poverty reduction and the importance of formal mining.

Also, we will have the presence of Dr. Martín Belaunde Moreyra, lawyer and former congressman of the Republic and César Gutiérrez, former president of Petroperú.
Topic: Petroperu: Chronicle of a death foretold.

Revista Digital

Edición 165 de Rumbo Minero
Directorio de proveedores  mineros  OnLine Diremin
Noticias Internacionales