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Expomina Peru 2024 - Separa tu Stand
Homerumbo minero tv internacionalTowards the Symposium - XV International Mining Meeting
Expomina Peru 2024 - Separa tu stand

Towards the Symposium – XV International Mining Meeting

Today we will have an interview with Gonzalo Quijandría, president of the 15th International Gold, Silver and Copper Symposium.
Topic: Towards the 15th edition of the International Gold, Silver and Copper Symposium.

Also, we will have the presence of César Gutiérrez, former president of Petroperú.
Topic: The uncertain future of Petroperu and exploration.

Revista Digital

Edición 165 de Rumbo Minero
Directorio de proveedores  mineros  OnLine Diremin
Noticias Internacionales